Common Resources
Searchable Campus Map
Stanford People Finder
Marguerite Bus Live Map
Mailing Address Format
FixIt Maintenance Requests
Dining Hall Menu
Emergency Resources
Campus Phone: 9-911
Cellphone: 911
Palo Alto Dispatch: (650) 329-2413
Stanford Hospital ER: (650) 723-5111
GLO Dean on call: (650) 723-7288
Pager ID: #25085
Locked Out?
Daytime: Go to your residence's Front Desk (free pass!)
After Hours: (650) 725-1602 (first time free)
EV Front Desk: Varies (Ctrl-F for your residence name!)
About EV Mailing Lists
Each EV neighborhood has three mailing lists:
- Resident List. This list is used by your neighborhood's CAs to send information about events and other important information that affects your neighborhood. Residents cannot send messages to these lists.
- Chat List. Any member of your neighborhood can send messages to the chat list about any topic. Lost your keys? Need a hammer, or a pinch of salt? Selling tickets to the game? Use the chat list!
- CA List. This list can send a message to all of your neighborhood's CAs at once. If you need to ask a question but aren't sure which CA to ask, this is the fastest way to reach them all. That said, you're always welcome to contact your CAs individually!
You should be automatically subscribed to your neighborhood's resident and chat lists within 1-2 weeks of your move-in date. You can also subscribe or unsubscribe yourself by entering any of the below mailing lists into the "Subscribe or unsubscribe to a list" option at Stanford Mailman. If you would like to manage your mailing list email settings, you can do so by visiting Stanford Mailman's MyLists Page.
Mailing Lists by Neighborhood
Neighborhood | Resident List | Chat List | CA List |
Woodlands (formerly Woods and Meadows) | ev-woodlands-list | ev-woodlands-chat | ev-woodlands-ca |
Oasis | ev-oasis-single-list | ev-oasis-single-chat | ev-oasis-single-ca |
Studio 1 | ev-studio-1 | ev-studio-1-chat | ev-studio-1-ca |
Studio 2 | ev-studio-2 | ev-studio-2-chat | ev-studio-2-ca |
Studio 3 | ev-studios-34 | ev-studios-34-chat | ev-studios-34-ca |
Studio 4 | ev-studios-34 | ev-studios-34-chat | ev-studios-34-ca |
Studio 5 | ev-studios-56 | ev-studios56-chat | ev-studios-56-ca |
Studio 6 | ev-studios-56 | ev-studios56-chat | ev-studios-56-ca |
Abrams | ev-abrams-list | ev-abrams-chat | ev-abrams-ca |
Barnes | ev-barnes | ev-barnes-chat | ev-barnes-ca |
Blackwelder | ev-blackwelder | ev-blackwelder-chat | ev-blackwelder-ca |
Hoskins | ev-hoskins | ev-hoskins-chat | ev-hoskins-ca |
Hulme | ev-hulme | ev-hulme-chat | ev-hulme-ca |
McFarland | ev-mcfarland | ev-mcfarland-chat | ev-mcfarland-ca |
Quillen | ev-quillen | ev-quillen-chat | ev-quillen-ca |
Mailing Lists by Neighborhood (Summer)
In the summer, the above neighborhoods are grouped together into mega-neighborhoods to counteract the decreased graduate student count. Students are welcome to message either their neighborhood's mailing lists (above) or their mega-neighborhood's mailing lists (below). The mega-neighborhoods are defined as:
- Bladio: Blackwelder, Studio 1, Studio 2
- Lowrises: Woodlands, Oasis
- Midrises: Abrams, Barnes, Hoskins, Hulme, McFarland
- Area53: Studios 3, 4, 5, and 6
Mega-Neighborhood | Resident List | Chat List | CA List |
Bladio | ev-bladio-list | ev-bladio-chat | ev-bladio-ca |
Lowrises | ev-lowrises-list | ev-lowrises-chat | ev-lowrises-ca |
Midrises | ev-midrises-list | ev-midrises-chat | ev-midrises-ca |
Area 53 | ev-area53-list | ev-area53-chat | ev-area53-ca |